Quiet Awakenings — UC Review
My approach to paper cutting comes from the seemingly mundane moments we experience that linger long after in the mind and soul, hinting at an unnoticed beauty that lies latent within them. I am curious about the idea of belonging and the ways we relate to the spaces we inhabit.
— Josefina Hernandez
DOWNPOUR (10x8", 2017)

DOWNPOUR (10x8", 2017)

TRANQUIL (10x8", 2016)

TRANQUIL (10x8", 2016)

Much of the inspiration in my work comes from the organic shapes of nature and its unassuming yet perfect beauty. There is a quote from Baha’u’llah that deeply resonates with me: ‘The country is the world of the soul, the city is the world of bodies.’ In my work, nature has come to symbolize our spiritual reality, juxtaposed with architectural forms which symbolize our material existence in this plane of reality.
— Josefina Hernandez
WINDOW STUDY (8x10", 2016)

WINDOW STUDY (8x10", 2016)

IF (10x8", 2018)

IF (10x8", 2018)

I value the idea of working with our hands, and dedicating time and energy to our efforts. The meticulous cutting of paper is a meditative process for me as I am able to connect with my inner sensibilities and envelop myself in the creative act. There is also a sense of sacredness to my work.
— Josefina Hernandez
STRIVE (8x10", 2017)

STRIVE (8x10", 2017)

SIDELINES (8x10", 2017)

SIDELINES (8x10", 2017)

PERSIST (8x10", 2018)

PERSIST (8x10", 2018)

I believe that the process of creating and striving to perfect one’s craft is of great spiritual importance.
— Josefina Hernandez
CONTAIN (8x10", 2018)

CONTAIN (8x10", 2018)

Josefina Hernandez’s practice consists of paper cut works that are meticulously carved with an x-acto knife. Largely inspired by nature’s sinuous and organic forms, Josefina explores the relationship between us and the spaces we inhabit. Visit Josefina’s website: www.josefinahernandez.com.